PPIG 2010 - 22nd Annual Workshop
Enhancing user-centredness in agile teams: A study on programmer’s values for a better understanding on how to position usability methods in XP
Michael Leitner, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Arjan Geven, Manfred Tscheligi
Abstract: We present a study on programmer’s high-level goals in eXtreme Programming settings (XP). We talked to 10 programmers using so-called “laddering interviews”. The result presented is a “Hierarchical Value Map (HVM)” indicating agile programmer’s high-level goals. This study was done to better orchestrate usability methods and integrate them into agile development processes. The study’s results were used to position and adapt usability methods in a way that they are better aligned to the programmer’s goals and therefore are more likely to be accepted. We draw conclusions on the basis of the study’s results and experiences using agile usability methods in practise.