PPIG 2000 - 12th Annual Workshop 10 - 13 April 2000, Corigliano Calabro, Cosenza, Italy

Contributions by Maria Kutar, Gada Kadoda, Karl Cox, Eleonora Bilotta & Carlisle George

P-P-I-G we study psychology
P-P-I-G we’re a proud community

Computer Programming and Prototyping
Through experimenting our world’s improving

Expert and Novice and all computer scientists
No one we will miss, we are good psychologists

Empirical Analyses and good statistics
These are our work’s main characteristics

Cognitive Dimensions and Formal Notations
Methods that we use in our applications

For P-PiG 2000 what a good location
With Alan and Judith, Thomas and Clayton

Elenora and Valerio, all in Corigliano
You’ve been lovely to know, we salute you BRAVO!